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Campaign to Raise Awareness


The Brewers Guild of New Jersey is excited to announce this new project we’ve been working on since 2020. The “Guilded For the Cause” campaign aims to bring greater awareness to the current issues impacting breweries and brewpubs across the Garden State through what the members of the Guild know best: great New Jersey craft beer. The Guild hopes each new edition of collaboration beers released by Guild members in the future helps communicate to New Jersey craft beer enthusiasts and supporters what breweries need and how they can help.

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Overall, here are some of the priorities of the Guild and what we hope to accomplish with the public’s help:


- Revisions to the decade-old craft brewery law to improve the customer experience and the business climate for locally made craft beer in the state. Rules like the mandatory tour requirement, entertainment and event restrictions, distribution limits and the inability to organize festivals in your community are some for foremost policy priorities the Guild wishes to accomplish with your help immediately;



- Maintaining home delivery privileges on a permanent basis so that craft beer fans can continue to enjoy their favorite local ales and lagers without the need to leave their homes, in a convenient and safe way;



- Gaining support for government-sponsored financial programs to make it easier to open a brewery and expand operations in our state. Buildings, equipment and materials are really expensive, and a reliable level of state support will go a long way in continuing to make the industry successful long-term;



- Reforming laws which ensure fair negotiations between craft brewers and other parts of the state’s alcoholic beverage distribution and retail industry. For generations, the cards have been stacked against small breweries trying to compete against the behemoth interests in the industry. Now is the time for laws to change to give New Jersey’s craft breweries a fighting chance to level the playing field and make it easier for you, the consumer, to buy local craft beer.

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